
I hate kids my age and how they talk. Well not all of them but the ones that use that awful slang. "Hey dude." "What's up man?" Really, what's that all mean? Dude? Man? It's stupid and sounds like your an idiot. Top reason I hate frat kids.

The Accord Library

It's official, I'm a reader. You know, one of those people who sit around and look at pages from a book for an odd amount of time. Yeah I'm one of those guys. I go through about two books a month. Not a whole lot but more than I used to read and definitely more than the average person I think. I refuse to read however, in the privacy of my room, opting to make a solitary act a social outing each time. Because of this, the back seat of my Accord is strewn with books I've read. About a dozen in all, my mobile library outnumbers the collection of school books on my desk at home.

I'd like to think the reason I keep so many books in my car is out of laziness. I'd like to say I just haven't cleaned my car out or sold them yet. That would sound so much better than the actual truth. The real reason, and I think the real reason anyone would call themselves a reader, is that I think lugging around so many books makes me look smarter. "Oh just push War and Peace over, it was my reading last week. Na, just for the fun of it, no class in particular" I enjoy reading. I find myself putting off a lot of things in order to grab a chapter or two. My days off are spent reading books instead of doing homework I should be doing. Don't get me wrong, I don't read to impress anyone. I do however keep the collection in public sight for that reason. I imagine people getting into my car, seeing the growing collection and thinking, "geez he must read a lot" Yes as a matter of fact I do read books. I know aren't I smart.

Now that I think about it, its rather sad actually. Not my thought process. That seems like a normal thing, but rather the fact that reading would make me appear intelligent, or the idea that it would. In a world of reality shows and internet viral videos, reading for fun has achieved a status that reading Latin once only held. The masses watch tv, only a few actually read books. I've started to get the same reaction when I tell someone I'm reading for fun as I give to business majors when they inform me of their career choice. A blank expression accompanied by a one word question..."why?"

Remember This

Ten things to remember when I become a professor:

1. If students are quietly ignoring me, it's not my problem it's theirs.
2. They take time to prepare for the test. I need to take time
preparing for it.
3. Moving a test back isn't always a good thing for students. They
make plans based on the test dates.
4. Students have more than one class.
5. Just because the majority of scores are high doesn't mean the test
was too easy.
6. Books aren't cheap. Use the ones you assign and make it a short list.
7. Love what your teaching. If I stop loving it, it's time to get out.
8. Some students have to be there. Some want to be there. Teach to
those who want to be and forget about the others.
9. Remarks on papers and why you graded the way you did are always a
good thing.
10. The old students are suck ups. They really don't think your a

Make, Break, Reuse

Isn't it curious the relationships we make in life. The ones we break early so that we can keep from feeling too much. The ones we keep that hurt us, afraid to be alone and feel nothing. Staying too long, sheltered from the unknown. Those we see walk away, unaware of how hard we pushed them. Jumping from one to another, tasting the excitement of each but unable to savor the emotion that comes with time. Trying and retrying the same ones, in hopes to find something new or different. We make and break relationships throughout our lives. Trying to find the right fits for the right lives. Sometimes crashing into one other, at other times running in opposite directions.

Spanish Please

If you know me, then you know I live in San Antonio, the city Mexico
built north of the boarder (and if you don't know me you now know I
live in San Antonio, the city Mexico built north of the boarded). Most
of the time it's like living in any other city in Texas. When you come
across somebody that doesn't speak English you simply exagerate your
expressions, start to yell as though they are deaf, and simply give
them the impression all Americans are loud, stupid idiots.

One thing I have noticed however, no problem sitting next to a crowd
of talkative "nationals", that's the nice way of saying rich Mexicans,
and quietly reading. I have no clue what they're talking about or what
terroristic plots they're planning. I can sit there reading as they
set up camp around me with hundreds of shopping bags and not mind
their loud, impolite conversation just inches from me.

Porn and Coffee Table Books

"Stone, what's on your kitchen table?"
"I don't know, I'm never out here it's probab--...ummm porn?"

Apparently straight guys think nothing of leaving their porn out on the table. On more than one occasion I've come home to find a Penthouse open on in the living room. It's not some Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, we're talking hardcore, black the cover out on the newsstand, porn. Now I don't think they were actually, actively looking at the magazine in the living room, or at least I hope not. *shiver* Probably just the standard, "hey look at this girl dude". I understand, most guys have seen porn, some even own it. I got that. But does it really have to be public reading material. I just always had it in my head that the standard coffee table book had pictures of places you would like to visit or cute babies being confined in weird vegetable looking costumes, not naked girls and guys doing the baby making dance.

Don't worry mom and dad. I broke their habit, one small threat fixed the problem rather fast.

"Who left their porn out here?"
"I don't know, it's not mine."
"Ok, well can we not do that anymore, it's kind of weird"
"I don't see a problem..."
"Well than I'm gunna go buy some magazines and leave them out as well."
"Ha, that's cool man. Go ahead."
"No, I'm going to buy MY kind of porn and leave it out"
"Oh no man, don't do that, I'll talk to them about putting it up"
"Cool thanks"

What I Believe In

Been mulling over this post for some weeks now, and after that last post I think I should put up something a little more...optimistic? Little heavy and parents or loved ones may not want to read it. Happy thoughts.:-D

I find a lot of people feel pity for those who believe in something other than their own beliefs. In other words, Christians feel pity on all non-Christians, Muslims pray for non believers, and Jews try to show others the right way of living. It's a part of being a believer in something, or nothing. Your right and the rest are wrong. Nothing wrong with that fact, just part of the deal. If someone tries to tell you otherwise they are lying.

With the above holding true, I think us "non-believers" get the brunt of the pity and conversion attempts. People view us as broken in a way or think that somewhere along the way we were let down or hurt by religion in general. In a way this is accurate I guess, we didn't find something we were looking for in religion, so yes we were disappointing or let down. I also think that this is a simplistic explanation. It makes non-believers seem childish, damaged, and basic. We've taken the easy way out. Without rules or a god to dictate our lives, we can do what we want, without worrying about right and wrong or consequences. This is the assumption that I have issue with.

Yes, I don't believe in capital case God. The guy in the sky. Mr. Number One. The Alpha and Omega. I choose not to believe in a god that gives people more than they can handle. I choose not to see a divine reason behind pointless pain and suffering. The prayers that go unanswered and the lives untouched can not simply be the result of a god who knows better, who has a reason for violence, disease, agony, and injustice. In my opinion however, this lack of belief makes life no more easier than leading a life of a believer. Without God, there is no reassurance of peace, or a higher plan. No final judgment for the wicked and no hope of help from above. The world is what it is, and no greater force is at work behind the curtain. At times this is difficult to live with. In times of pain and confusion you want somewhere to turn to. You want someone to call out to and depend on. It would be comforting to know there is a reason and plan for all this b.s. that is going on in the world.

Here's what I do believe in however. I believe that people are good and powerful. That they can be wicked and evil but are just as good at be kind and generous. I believe that they have the power to alter the course of humanity and that the individual can create a storm of change. No prayers are needed for strength, no help from the clouds need be called upon. Within everyone is the power to act and affect the world around them. I chose to aim the credit at those who deserve it. People find will from within, not without. They are molded and formed by those that live among them, on the same plane. I believe that we are here with no set purpose, no predetermined goal or achievement. We get out of life what we chose to pull from it. No life is wasted or unused. How can such descriptions be given without a set purpose. Missed opportunities, sure, but only to take certain paths over others.

The life of one who doesn't believe is not one of simplicity, ease, or cynicism. It comes with the same challenges, joys, and tribulations as any life comes with. Comfort however must be found elsewhere. They must rely on those they share the living experience with. They are not blindly feeling their way in the darkness but rather light their path with a different colored flame. This is not a test, or postponement of things to come, but rather the end game. This is it, the time for action is now, and the time to cherish that around you is firmly in the present.

Yeah I know this isn't the rants or mean remarks. I'm just so tired of that sad look of pity people give when you say you don't believe in what they subscribe to. They try to convert and explain to you how much better their way is. It isn't. We just see things different. Stop feeling bad for us, stop trying to save us. I know it's only because you love us. Well I could say the same to you. Join the dark side, its better over here, its only because I love you.:-p

So Sick Of It All

Yes Sir, I do think I'm better than you. I peer at you through this plastered on smile as you run the race for the American Dream. Making endless circles from work and home, desperately trying to grab more crap to make you happy. At home the nanny feeds your 2.5 children their 90 second meals and hurries them along their smaller circular paths. Your wife injects her face with poisons, paints away any stress lines, and pines after the newest fashions, all to appear as something she is not. Yes Sir, you have achieved what everyone yearns for. You have the car, the home, the dog, and the job. What more could you want? The newest greatest slickest whatchamacallit is only a paycheck away. You have it all. You've bought into the very lie that was created for you. Send your children to their private schools, where they are taught and trained to buy, consume, and want. Yes Sir, I'll choose my life over yours any day of the year. Keep your suites, parties, and wealth. I'll keep my lie and you keep yours.