Saw a Balloon

I watched a balloon today, sitting in traffic, waiting for the light to turn green. Small and yellow, it had just enough helium in it to allow the yard or so of ribbon below to support its flight mid air. Halfway between falling and flying it jumped and danced as the wind carried it across six lanes of traffic. From one end of the street to the other, I waited for a car to run it over, popping it. Bobbing and weaving it crossed all rows of rush hour traffic, finally making to the yellow grass of the median. The light turned green and I sighed a sigh of relief. Is it wrong that I wanted so badly to jump out of my car, stop traffic, and safely escort the balloon across the street?

Smokers Again ARG

Is it just me or are smokers some of the rudest people around? Maybe the smoke just deadens their manners or that it take a special kind of person to inhale toxins and chemicals, all in the name of being cool. Don't kid yourself, that's the only reason you started smoking, it seemed like the cool thing to do. Just because the clouds of smoke don't bother you anymore doesn't mean the rest of us have to live with it. Yea you go outside to puff puff, but you know what? the rest of us that are outside went outside to enjoy the fresh air, not your clouds of death. The trees and the birds and the nature outside hates the smoke just as much as the chairs and the carpet do inside. Oh and the little butts that you leave around everywhere and throw out your car window, hate to break it to you but no matter how small they are they still fall under the category of trash and your littering. Maybe your used to filth and ash everywhere. Maybe you don't mind that your house smells like the cancer monster decided to nest in it. Maybe you think your shit don't smell. I got news for you though. The rest of us think its gross and nasty. I don't care what you do in your house, burn holes in the carpet and dump the ashtrays in the corner, but as soon as you step outside that door your in "our" world. Stop screwing it up and stop making everyone else suffer through your drug addicted, toxic spewing, fume carrying lifestyle.

Oh and if your going to be standing in line, don't smoke a cigar for at least 10min before hand. I don't want to smell ya.


Thought I would share part of my newest poster. Just finished a painting as well but need a better pic of that to post.

Edit 7/20:
Think real big. BIG!! Well maybe just Big!

Car Alarm

So I'm sitting, well more like laying, in my bed, dead silent, about 12:00 in the morning (or night, never could figure out is midnight was a.m or p.m). All of a sudden on of those Sr. Mix-a-lot car alarms goes off right outside my window. You know, the ones that seem to be sampled from a bunch of different alarms. Right away I think of Dane Cook and his freaking car alarm song.

Hellllooooo? I'm a caaaarrrr. Gas-o-line makes me run. Back seat. Trunk space. Hellllloooo? Lets go for a riiiide. Oil. is. my. blood.

Just thought I'd share.

Little Post-Work Vent

Do I come into your cubicle and throw your keyboard on the ground, spit gum on your desk chair, and let kids climb all over your office? Do I knock things over at your job, look at you and simply walk off? The answer is no. I realize your the customer and all that bull but you don't have to be an ass. I'm not there to pick up your trash, watch your kids, or clean up after you as though you don't know any better. Also, for your information, every shirt of the same design looks the same. You don't need to unfold all twenty shirts on a table to decide which one you want. I promise, the small on top looks exactly the same as the large underneath it. Its not like we're going to add something different to one, just to mix it up a bit.

And finally this is not some foreign market. Don't haggle with me trying to get me to knock a few dollars off the price. Don't expect the whole store to be marked down, if there isn't a sign posted it's not on sale. No, we don't have some secret sale that goes unadvertised and that we only extend to those who ask. "Oh as a matter of fact Ma'am your right. Those bags are on sale, we just don't want anyone to know. shhhh" "yes like the sign says thats 50% off. How much is that? Half. Really you can't divide by 2? Well I guess that means you have to pay the full price doesn't it?"