Green Month

It's April, which means two things. Austin gets a year older and, for the rest of the world, they all get to pretend that they care about the Earth. The people of the world go around picking up trash, recycling plastic, and turning off lights. Everyone gets to sip their green tea, low fat, light creme, latte out of a recycled cup and sleeve and drive their Ford pick-up, that has never seen a day of work, to Lowe's and buy a few energy saving light bulbs. It seems like every corporation gets a soul this month and trys to convince the public they really care. They run their little adds about how they save the planet, right between a Hummer add and McDonald's commercial. Next month however I'm sure the pillaging, plundering, and all out rape of the planet will continue as usual. Actually I'm sure everyone will make up for lost time.

p.s. To continue my attack on smokers...cigarette butts are litter. Stop throwing them out your window! They can take up to 11 years to degrade.

Cellphone of Death

I have come to the conclusion that the telephone is making my roommate sick. He seems fine one moment, but as soon as the phone rings all hell breaks loose. His voice lowers and sounds weaker, and he can't seem to breath without coughing up a lung as he tells his mom in a meek whisper of a voice, "yea I feel a little better". It seems to me that the simple answer to his illness would be not to answer the phone. Really it's like night and day. The phone comes on and he's all "goodbye cruel world, I caught whooping cough". I know I should be a good roommate and deal with his time of pain and illness with compassion but when it becomes this apparent I really have very little patients and sympathy.

But Wait There's More

Ok a few of you may be saying to yourself... But Austin, now that your not on MySpace how am I supposed to keep track of all the wisdom and wonderful stories you post? Don't worry my children I've thought of that. See the little form to the left over there? Type in your email and you can receive my updates in your very own in box. Don't want to do that? If you use iGoogle or GoogleHome you can click the little Google box and have the magic Gold Star put right on your homepage in a little box all to itself.

New Location

If you are new, you might be wondering why everything here is from the same date. Well I was posting on MySpace, but got tired of messing with that site. Soooooo I moved everything over to here. Hopefully this way I'll stay on top of things better and be able to do what I want.

Seasoned Students

*This could make some people upset. If it upsets you maybe you should take a step back and see if this really applies to you or not*

Dear "Seasoned Students",

      Props to you for going back to school. You have so much more to worry about than us young whipper snappers. You juggle work, kids, school, and real life all at once. You have overcome stereotypes and fears to return to school and better yourself and your situation. You Go! With that said I have a request. Stop talking about yourself and your wonderful kids in class. I don’t care that your kid is a genius sports star that can speak three different languages at the age of 2. I get your proud of him or her. What parent wouldn’t be proud of giving birth to the second coming. "Really the economy is in a recession? Well little Jimmy can walk on water." wtf?
      And don’t think you kid-less old farts are off the hook. We all see you trying to get buddy buddy with the professor. Just because you sit at the front of the class and were born within the same decade as them doesn’t mean your their friend. Do you not notice how they roll their eyes every time you raise your hand to make some stupid remark about when you were a kid, or how your life experience has brought you to such and such conclusion? Just so you know. Every time you start a story with the words "my kid" or "it used to be" all those punk kids behind you are thinking "here we go again". We don’t care that your husband is a doctor and owns his own practice and worked his way up from dishwasher, or that gas prices were 10 cents a gallon when you got your first car, that didn’t have power locks or air conditioning or seatbelt and that you had to crank to start. Has your life become solely about your kids and what life used to be. Thats hard to believe. You work, have friends, watch tv.
      Here’s a general rule for you "seasoned students". When you walk into a class pay attention to the size of the room and number of students there. The importance of your comment, story, or personal experience is inversely related to the size of the class. The more of us that have to listen to you talk the less we care to hear it. If there are only a few of us with ya, be my guest and speak up. Those types of classes actually are designed for you to tell us how little Kris "spelled with a K" reacted to his first day of daycare.

The Kid Who You Know So Much
More Than But Is In The
Same Class As You

Don’t Talk to Strangers

     I was sitting at Starbucks, its like crack for me, just people watching when a little kid started talking to me. His dad was sitting outside, totally ignoring him while he talked with some other woman. The kid was talking to me, kind of being annoying but what you gunna do he was probably 6 and even I can’t be mean to kids. Well his dad calls him back over and tells the kid he can’t talk to me anymore.
      Now I get the whole don’t talk to strangers deal. There are bad people out there and kids need to be careful but.... do I really look that threatening? If the dad was worried about his kid maybe he should be paying closer attention to him and not let him run around like he was. Also on a totally different level what are parents really teaching kids with this whole "strangers are bad" deal. Yea there are bad people out there but do you really want your kids scared of the people they have to live with? Maybe a healthy respect is a better approach. Not a "fear the unknown" philosophy. Oh and to that dad, who was soooo worried about his kid. Your kid sat at my table for a good 10min, out of your sight, before you even noticed. I could of easily ran off with him.


     What do you do when you can no longer watch your friends hurt themselves and fall apart? Just so happens I know a few people who continue to put themselves in bad situations. At some point though I have to say enough, for their sake but mostly for mine. I’m aware this is a selfish act to some degree but I refuse to have people in my life that do that to themselves. I don’t want to put up with it. Some may say I need to stick with them and help them through this time. Screw that, putting others first is ok but I come first in my life, sorry. I might be an ass, but I see it as self preservation.


     You ever listen to music and not help but smile? It wasn't a particularly wonderful day yesterday, nothing great happened, nothing to be really excited about but I couldn't stop smiling. The music was just right, the sun was shinning and it just seemed like a great day to be alive. For all the negativity and crap that goes on in my life, its moments like that that make me realize how awesome life can be. You walk outside and just feel like you should be in a cartoon, the birds singing, the trees dancing and the sun looking down at you with a big smile. I hope you have a day like that soon, it makes life so freaking great.


     I was in Economics the other day and the professor got on some tangent about smoking. Well the T.A. started talking about how he used to smoke and all this other crap about his life that nobody really cared to hear about, then he says how he has been "sober" for 15 months. The response he gets? The whole class applauds him, wtf.

     I reserve my applause for people who deserve them. Come on people, you clap for people who do things that require skill and effort. It's an easy way to say, "good job" "well done." Don't applaud for the dumb guy who quit smoking. Some of you are thinking "hey I quit smoking, it's really hard to do and takes commitment." Your absolutely right, it takes commitment to stop killing yourself and messing up your future. It takes commitment to stop doing something incredibly stupid that you decided to do in the first place. Know what? Good job at no longer being a dumb ass and quiting something you knew you shouldn't be doing in the first place. Yea good job *clap clap* Don't clap for recovering drug addicts, yea thats what you are smokers, drug addicts. They started the habit, they knew what they were doing, its their own fault they were addicted. Its simply retarded to clap for that.


     For those of you who have actually read my blogs, I'm sorry. Yea I know that most of them are just long rants about something or just me venting but hey its my blog I can do that. I like to think of it as my little vent, letting out all the stress and uck that I deal with sometimes. Really don't vent that much day to day, I like to keep it all inside and then come here and let it go in a nice rant. Its fun and really helpful. Bottom line... I don't complain that much outside of this page and if you don't like it don't read it :-p

Christmas Cheer

     Ok people of the world, chill out. It's almost Christmas which means people are getting increasingly crazy and mean. Ya, that whole good will towards men and holiday spirit seems to get thrown out the window as people get closer and closer to that marvelous day and drive closer to the temple of commercialism, the mall. Even though I knew better I went to the mall today to pick up one of the few gifts I'm buying this year. People everywhere. One guy almost hit me head on in his SUV because he decided it would be a good idea to go the wrong way down the street. Why would someone do such a thing? To get the one parking spot left of course.

     Here's an idea for all you drivers out there. Spread some made up holiday spirit. Let that car get in front of you, merge the proper way, oh and that one last spot in the parking lot, let the old lady have it. You probably could use the extra few steps...that over sized holiday sweater ain't fooling anyone.

     Lets all be a little nicer to one another this time of year. After all in only a few more days we will be celebrating the day baby Jesus came down from the heavens in his metallic UFO, bringing with him Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, and was named king of the overpriced, poorly made electronics Christmas is all about. You follow that? Good because I didn't.

Day of Thought


     What am I doing? Most of the time I'm ok and function rather well. I can keep going through the day not showing too much emotion. Its so much easier not to feel. But then there's days like today when I can't stop mulling all this crap over in my head. Am I doing the right thing? What if this was my chance? Again the question of the day seems to be; "When did life get so complicated?" I wish there was a pause button somewhere. I don't regret anything but the foundation seems to be tumbling down from underneath me.

Chain Letters

     Ok, if your like me, you don't believe in crap like chain letters and the ability for the internet to give you good or bad luck. You don't rely on a forward to get you that job you always wanted or to get that person to notice you. Fate, Luck, and Magic don't come out of the computer just because you click your mouse a certain way. But if your at all like me, every time you delete or ignore one of those annoying messages, that somehow get past your spam filter or that your friend with way too much time has sent you, you say a little prayer to whoever that your right about how stupid they are and you won't die a horrible death the second you hit "delete".