The Purse

Straight guys have one thing going for them, other than the whole compulsive hetero tendency. Their wife or girlfriend comes with a utility belt. No matter where they go with their girl, they always will have plenty of medicine, paper, tissues, batteries, tape, pens, luggage tags, gloves, and novelty key chains. Woman always seem to have a bottomless purse with them with all sorts of very important, must have at all times items. Now if they would just stop sound proofing them so that cell phones can be heard at all times...


As a member of a younger generation, I hear a lot of those who came
before complaining about how little "kids today" learn. I got news, we
are products of someone else's system.

One of my bosses is leaving for Dubai in a few weeks. I told a new
woman at work and she gave me this clueless look. Now this woman is in
her late fifties. "Dubai? In the middle east." "Where's that?" "The
middle east" I don't know how better to describe it. "Well what
state?" ohhhhh now I understand what happened here. "It's not a state.
Middle east of the planet." At this point I just gave up.

Kids today huh? Maybe it's just because kids today are the only ones
still graded on tests.

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Morning Cup of Coffee

On the way to class, my morning cup of coffee got me thinking. Does it
take more time for a hot cup of coffee to reach room temperture than a
ice coffee to reach the same point? Going back to physics 101, any
change is actually a change in energy. Less energy means colder. So
the hot coffee is giving off energy to the system around it. I guess
this means that the real question is, how easily does air accept or
give energy? If air takes in energy faster than it gives off the hot
coffee would lose energy faster than the cold coffee would gain it,
meaning hot Joe cools faster. I didn't even touch the ice cubes in
iced coffee. I got to class to quickly. If you know the answer let me
know. I'm pretty sure my brother might.

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