
I was talking to an old friend today and he mentioned how he went a few places these past months. I thought to myself I've been a few places as well.

I've been to places that reminded me of paradise, places that scared the shit out of me, places that stunned me with their beauty, and places that I never want to visit again.

I've traveled with a few friends, made some along the way and got separated from a few as well. I have met people I hope to never forget and a few I wish I could, but all have left me something.

I've been robbed blind, beaten up, left behind, and given treasures beyond imagination.

I've gotten lost, confused and turned around a few times. At moments I thought I knew exactly were I was but ended up in a completely different town. I've even taken a few unexpected detours on paths that seemed untraveled (those are the best kind of side roads, the unexpected ones).

Sometimes I ran to my next stop, other times sat and rested. I eagerly anticipated sights to come and wished to not take another step.

My back has been weighted down and at other moments I've been lifted up by the winds. The ran has soaked me to the bone, and the sun warmed my neck.

In the last few months I've seen a world of places and taken in a number of experiences. I've wrestled with where to go next and plotted out possible routes. It has been an interesting journey to where I am now. Not really sure I'm ready to take the next step, but the only possible direction to go is forward, standing still gets me nowhere and turning back...well thats just impossible.

Destructive Tendencies?

Wow, had a epiphany last night. I have some self-destructive tendencies when it comes to relationships. I tend to expect the worse from people, even when there is little reason to do so. Maybe its based on past experiences, but whatever the reason it's not that fair to the people I know. Everyone is a different person and should be treated as such. Just because people have disappointed in the past doesn't mean everyone is like that. I find myself thinking that certain people can't be as good as they appear, or as genuine. Should give them a chance I guess, could be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed. Hopefully it's not too late to turn things around.

And yes I know this post is not a rant or full of sarcasm and cynicism. Sometimes a little introspective reflection is necessary and good for you. Maybe you got some problems your not seeing, lets try to better this place we live and ourselves.

George Carlin

As you probably know Carlin past away yesterday from heart problems. Every once in awhile you hear some disk jokey on the radio say something about him and his life. Well I was in the doctor's waiting room today and they had some sentimental radio station on that plays all that feel good music for the whole family to listen to on their way to vacation bible school. The DJ starts talking about Carlin and then puts on this soft, lyrical song about heaven and seeing you there. I just shook my head and felt sorry for Mr. Carlin. No your not going to see him in heaven and if you asked him, you wouldn't be there yourself. He was an ATHEIST people. He didn't believe in religion, heaven, God, or any such magic. Let him decompose in peace. He would of wanted it that way.

"What about Goblins, huh? Doesn't anybody believe in Goblins? You never hear about this.. Except on Halloween and then it's all negative shit. And what about Zombies? You never hear from Zombies! That's the trouble with Zombies, they're unreliable! I say if you're going to go for the Angel bullshit you might as well go for the Zombie package as well.." George Carlin, from "You Are All Diseased"

Summer Boots?

Heres some fashion advice ladies. Stop wearing those boots. Its about a hundred degrees outside and your wearing boots lined with fur. And when you wear them with little hoochie mama mini skirts, you just look like an Eskimo stripper, on her way back from work.

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