Porn and Coffee Table Books

"Stone, what's on your kitchen table?"
"I don't know, I'm never out here it's probab--...ummm porn?"

Apparently straight guys think nothing of leaving their porn out on the table. On more than one occasion I've come home to find a Penthouse open on in the living room. It's not some Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, we're talking hardcore, black the cover out on the newsstand, porn. Now I don't think they were actually, actively looking at the magazine in the living room, or at least I hope not. *shiver* Probably just the standard, "hey look at this girl dude". I understand, most guys have seen porn, some even own it. I got that. But does it really have to be public reading material. I just always had it in my head that the standard coffee table book had pictures of places you would like to visit or cute babies being confined in weird vegetable looking costumes, not naked girls and guys doing the baby making dance.

Don't worry mom and dad. I broke their habit, one small threat fixed the problem rather fast.

"Who left their porn out here?"
"I don't know, it's not mine."
"Ok, well can we not do that anymore, it's kind of weird"
"I don't see a problem..."
"Well than I'm gunna go buy some magazines and leave them out as well."
"Ha, that's cool man. Go ahead."
"No, I'm going to buy MY kind of porn and leave it out"
"Oh no man, don't do that, I'll talk to them about putting it up"
"Cool thanks"