ARRRGGG I'm Pissed!!!

Like I said above I'm unbelievable pissed. If I had written this last night the post would of been full of foul, inappropriate, "I'm sorry mother" words and #$@%@#$ (shit like that). Woohoo we got a black president. I don't really care what your political stance is, you got to admit it's pretty awesome that we actually will have a black dude in the white house. Buuuuuuttttt that's not why I'm pissed. I'm mad at the freaking people in California, Arizona, Arkansas, and Florida. Ok yeah, Arkansas and Arizona no big surprises there. They hate gays. But California? We already had the right to marry there and now "wait nope we changed our minds". Arkansas's Initiative 1 went as far as to say gay couples can't adopt children. That has nothing to do with the sanctity of marriage folks. They just think queers are a danger to kids. So as the media is hooting and hollering about the great step that just happened in civil rights, they so kindly ignore what just happened in four of the states. hmmmm priorities?

So this is why I'm so upset. The GBLT (that's an acronym that means all the different people Evangelicals like to hate and tell they're going to burn) community, all across the country, allowed this to happen. For years gays have sat on their hands waiting patiently for someone to help them out. They haven't gotten mad at the slow decay of their rights. Sure a kid gets beat up or killed, but what you gunna do? That's the world we live in. Where are the laws protecting you from discrimination in the work place? nope not yet. Maybe one day...sigh...

Where are the angry gays who have had enough? You know what? No, it's not ok to use "gay" in exchange for saying something is stupid or dumb. Unless it likes to have sex with things its own gender don't call it gay. No, it's not ok to be referred to as someone's "gay friend". You're not a pet or novelty to be cherished like a shinny toy. "oh don't worry Tim doesn't act gay, he's cool" wtf does that mean?!? Act gay? You mean he doesn't carry a purse or wear a dress? That has nothing to do with being gay, that has to do with acting like a woman. Stop using sexual orientation as a character trait. It's not! Maybe when homos stop allowing others to treat them different or like some separate group, people will stop seeing them in a certain light. Stand up for yourself. "They don't mean anything by it" is no longer an excuse. They're supporting a bigoted f-ed up way of thinking.

If your not upset by the current situation you deserve the situation your going to find the country in a few years. I'm pissed and honestly I think more people should be. I don't care if your gay, bi, straight, or somewhere in the middle (or on your own separate path), take a close look at how your acting and the behavior you allow to take place around you. Grow some balls, my lesbian friends included, and start speaking up for yourself, your friends, and your family. Oh and if your thinking, "That's not me. I have plenty of gay friends" wrong. your part of the problem as well. For god's sake people wake up, stop accepting the sub-par conditions and demand a change. Not somewhere down the road, when people are more accepting, but now. People are being attacked, ideologically and physically, and it's not ok.

You want to have a conversation? Say something? Be my guest. Comment button is right down there. You can email me as well.