2 am Post

You ever get an image in your head? It's two o'clock in the morning and this is what I've got so far:

A woman with porcelain skin sits alone in her apartment. She is in her mid to late twenties. Her hair is cut just above shoulder length and the brown shine reflects the light coming from her floor lamp in a magnificently mundane manner. She's dressed in a simple floral dress that flatters her small frame but isn't quite filled out in the chest. Quietly sitting with her hands in her lap, she adjusts slightly and the plastic covered couch makes an almost silent squeak. The couch is a mint green and would be seen as outdated outside the walls of the apartment but is right at home where it rests. The wall behind her is dimly lit but bare. Painted green some might describe it as mint green. This green is different than the couch however, as though the walls were painted and faced with the impossibility of finding a matching couch she settled for her current one. She sits there waiting, not turning as a passing car slowly illuminates each part of the room separately as it passes outside her covered window. Dressed for the night she waits. Not waiting for anyone or thing in particular; simply waiting.

Weird huh? Maybe I should get some sleep...