Don’t Talk to Strangers

     I was sitting at Starbucks, its like crack for me, just people watching when a little kid started talking to me. His dad was sitting outside, totally ignoring him while he talked with some other woman. The kid was talking to me, kind of being annoying but what you gunna do he was probably 6 and even I can’t be mean to kids. Well his dad calls him back over and tells the kid he can’t talk to me anymore.
      Now I get the whole don’t talk to strangers deal. There are bad people out there and kids need to be careful but.... do I really look that threatening? If the dad was worried about his kid maybe he should be paying closer attention to him and not let him run around like he was. Also on a totally different level what are parents really teaching kids with this whole "strangers are bad" deal. Yea there are bad people out there but do you really want your kids scared of the people they have to live with? Maybe a healthy respect is a better approach. Not a "fear the unknown" philosophy. Oh and to that dad, who was soooo worried about his kid. Your kid sat at my table for a good 10min, out of your sight, before you even noticed. I could of easily ran off with him.