Seasoned Students

*This could make some people upset. If it upsets you maybe you should take a step back and see if this really applies to you or not*

Dear "Seasoned Students",

      Props to you for going back to school. You have so much more to worry about than us young whipper snappers. You juggle work, kids, school, and real life all at once. You have overcome stereotypes and fears to return to school and better yourself and your situation. You Go! With that said I have a request. Stop talking about yourself and your wonderful kids in class. I don’t care that your kid is a genius sports star that can speak three different languages at the age of 2. I get your proud of him or her. What parent wouldn’t be proud of giving birth to the second coming. "Really the economy is in a recession? Well little Jimmy can walk on water." wtf?
      And don’t think you kid-less old farts are off the hook. We all see you trying to get buddy buddy with the professor. Just because you sit at the front of the class and were born within the same decade as them doesn’t mean your their friend. Do you not notice how they roll their eyes every time you raise your hand to make some stupid remark about when you were a kid, or how your life experience has brought you to such and such conclusion? Just so you know. Every time you start a story with the words "my kid" or "it used to be" all those punk kids behind you are thinking "here we go again". We don’t care that your husband is a doctor and owns his own practice and worked his way up from dishwasher, or that gas prices were 10 cents a gallon when you got your first car, that didn’t have power locks or air conditioning or seatbelt and that you had to crank to start. Has your life become solely about your kids and what life used to be. Thats hard to believe. You work, have friends, watch tv.
      Here’s a general rule for you "seasoned students". When you walk into a class pay attention to the size of the room and number of students there. The importance of your comment, story, or personal experience is inversely related to the size of the class. The more of us that have to listen to you talk the less we care to hear it. If there are only a few of us with ya, be my guest and speak up. Those types of classes actually are designed for you to tell us how little Kris "spelled with a K" reacted to his first day of daycare.

The Kid Who You Know So Much
More Than But Is In The
Same Class As You