
     I was in Economics the other day and the professor got on some tangent about smoking. Well the T.A. started talking about how he used to smoke and all this other crap about his life that nobody really cared to hear about, then he says how he has been "sober" for 15 months. The response he gets? The whole class applauds him, wtf.

     I reserve my applause for people who deserve them. Come on people, you clap for people who do things that require skill and effort. It's an easy way to say, "good job" "well done." Don't applaud for the dumb guy who quit smoking. Some of you are thinking "hey I quit smoking, it's really hard to do and takes commitment." Your absolutely right, it takes commitment to stop killing yourself and messing up your future. It takes commitment to stop doing something incredibly stupid that you decided to do in the first place. Know what? Good job at no longer being a dumb ass and quiting something you knew you shouldn't be doing in the first place. Yea good job *clap clap* Don't clap for recovering drug addicts, yea thats what you are smokers, drug addicts. They started the habit, they knew what they were doing, its their own fault they were addicted. Its simply retarded to clap for that.