Green Month

It's April, which means two things. Austin gets a year older and, for the rest of the world, they all get to pretend that they care about the Earth. The people of the world go around picking up trash, recycling plastic, and turning off lights. Everyone gets to sip their green tea, low fat, light creme, latte out of a recycled cup and sleeve and drive their Ford pick-up, that has never seen a day of work, to Lowe's and buy a few energy saving light bulbs. It seems like every corporation gets a soul this month and trys to convince the public they really care. They run their little adds about how they save the planet, right between a Hummer add and McDonald's commercial. Next month however I'm sure the pillaging, plundering, and all out rape of the planet will continue as usual. Actually I'm sure everyone will make up for lost time.

p.s. To continue my attack on smokers...cigarette butts are litter. Stop throwing them out your window! They can take up to 11 years to degrade.