Not Funny

I don't know how many times I have to hear the stupid name, Austin Powers. It never fails, meet someone new, they think they're going to be original and funny, "hey Austin Powers." Usually I'm nice about it and give them a little grin or chuckle. Like flirting with an ugly kid, just to give them something to write in their diary about. "Dear diary" they'll write after unlocking their little fuzzy pink book, "Today I met a guy named Austin. You'll never guess what I said to him. Go ahead guess. I said, like Austin Powers? It was hysterical. Philis from down the hall must of almost wet herself. I can't believe how funny I am sometimes. Maybe I should be in stand up...Austin Powers... ha" Then they'll lock their little book up and go to sleep dreaming of their stand up career that is doomed to fail and will surely end in some kind of overdose or deadly mugging. But honestly, inside, every time I hear that overused reference I'm thinking to myself "good one smart a--, like I've never heard that before. Wow! Where the hell you get that from?" (That's what I write in my diary just fyi) Where I draw the line though is when they add the "yeah baby". WTF?! Your an idiot and deserve to know you're one. Instantly the smile fads and I give them my best "shoot my now" look, and if I really decide to get my point across I'll add the "never heard that one before." That usually evaporates any joy they might of had coming up with their laughable attempt at humor. Stop with the bad movie references. They're not funny, not original, and not witty. Your a goober for thinking about it and all it says about you is that you have no sense of humor to call your own and that you enjoy really bad movies, movies for some reason, that keep getting made. Yeah baby. No! No baby! No!


MaxHedrm said...

Beam me up, Scotty.

But my movie is better at least.