
I was talking to an old friend today and he mentioned how he went a few places these past months. I thought to myself I've been a few places as well.

I've been to places that reminded me of paradise, places that scared the shit out of me, places that stunned me with their beauty, and places that I never want to visit again.

I've traveled with a few friends, made some along the way and got separated from a few as well. I have met people I hope to never forget and a few I wish I could, but all have left me something.

I've been robbed blind, beaten up, left behind, and given treasures beyond imagination.

I've gotten lost, confused and turned around a few times. At moments I thought I knew exactly were I was but ended up in a completely different town. I've even taken a few unexpected detours on paths that seemed untraveled (those are the best kind of side roads, the unexpected ones).

Sometimes I ran to my next stop, other times sat and rested. I eagerly anticipated sights to come and wished to not take another step.

My back has been weighted down and at other moments I've been lifted up by the winds. The ran has soaked me to the bone, and the sun warmed my neck.

In the last few months I've seen a world of places and taken in a number of experiences. I've wrestled with where to go next and plotted out possible routes. It has been an interesting journey to where I am now. Not really sure I'm ready to take the next step, but the only possible direction to go is forward, standing still gets me nowhere and turning back...well thats just impossible.