The Purse

Straight guys have one thing going for them, other than the whole compulsive hetero tendency. Their wife or girlfriend comes with a utility belt. No matter where they go with their girl, they always will have plenty of medicine, paper, tissues, batteries, tape, pens, luggage tags, gloves, and novelty key chains. Woman always seem to have a bottomless purse with them with all sorts of very important, must have at all times items. Now if they would just stop sound proofing them so that cell phones can be heard at all times...


Dekzion said...

hahaha, I know exactly what you mean and understand the reason why, my girlfriend even has a radiator bleed key in her handbag just in case the office radiator near her at any given moment isn't working to full capacity. But..just try to call and there is no answer at all! I once read somewhere that women are like cats, you can call a dog and it will come bounding over but call a cat and it just looks at you as if to say 'leave a message and I'll get back to you'. Anyway, they don't hear it because unless they are expecting a call from one of their girlfriends the sound of the phone does not count as an emergency alarm sound, myself being a plumber can hear my phone from half a mile away, likewise I can hear the sound of a leaking pipe from fifty feet in a busy factory and unless anyone has any ideas on how we can get the girls to hear this sound as an alarm sound I'm afraid there's nothing we can do, and we'll carry on barking up the wrong tree.