Vibrating Chairs? Sweet!

Has anybody else experienced the awesomeness that is the auditorium in UC? There I am sitting in class, a few hundred kids surrounding me, when all of a sudden my chair starts to vibrate. Seriously, no coins needed. At first I'm pumped. I get to sit through Texas Politics while receiving a free message. What more can a guy ask for? After about ten minutes though I had enough. After some investigation I realized you can't turn these things off. I tried everything. No panel in the armrest, no hidden switch, no knob to turn. I even tried the clapper method, I passed it off as being overly supportive of some meaningless point made in the lecture. "Right on, Classical Liberalism is the bomb." Now I'm starting to get worried (and the guy next to me is worried for a different reason). Thirty minutes of vibrating can't be good for you. The students sitting next to me seem oblivious to my troubles. WTF! Just when I start to think the freaking chair is going to drive me crazy, I find the root of the problem. The little #$@%^& next to me is tapping her foot at such a high rate of speed and with such force she is actually moving the entire row of desks. "No No don't mind me, you go right ahead and shake like your off your meds. No, I always look this pissed off in the morning. It has nothing to do with the fact your constant shaking makes me want to smack you in the face with my spiral." I have no clue what was talked about in class, because I spent 45 minutes, yes 45 minutes, trying desperately to use my psychic abilities to will her leg from moving. I swear if class had gone on for just a few minutes she would of had a college rule notebook planted upside her head.


MaxHedrm said...

How bout, "Excuse me, but could you please stop shaking your foot? It vibrates the row & I find it quite distracting."

TJ said...

You so cracked me up! Too funny.

Stone said...

I thought you weren't reading my blog anymore. Not that I'm complaining.