
I don't want to get all sentimental on you guys. If you know me, that's just not my style. Sometimes though life throws you a curve ball. We can hid and play it safe. Not taking a chance and not risking getting hurt. Its the easy way out and yeah, would save us all a lot of grief and heart ache. That's the problem though. You got to hid from life to not risk feeling. Drama, pain, and all that shit is part of life and living. They make the rest all that more valuable. I say bring it on. Yeah I'll get a few bruises along the way, maybe a black eye or two, but at least I'll have some cool battle scares to show for it all at the end. Oh and the stories? Wait till you hear the stories.
Ok. I'm all done. You can stop making that gagging face. I promise no more sentimental stuff. Next post will be full of baby punching humor or something along those lines.