New Copy Paper

New and improved, pre punched copy paper! That's right boys and girls.
No longer go through all the trouble of pressing down on a hole punch.
For a small additional charge you van have your multipurpose paper
professionaly prepared for any three ring binder. Great for the
parapligic on the go or cronicly weak. Pick up a pack at your local
campus bookstore. Hurry, cause with quality holes like these, supplies
aren't going to last long.

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MaxHedrm said...

There's nothing new about that. 3 hole drill paper has been around longer than you have. When you are printing multiple copies of a multi-hundred page document it is a HUGE time saver. It could even be handy for longer reports that you have to do as a student. Perhaps someday when you are in the real world you will use it. ;^)

Stone said...

A$$ hole...