"I've noticed your writing has gotten better. Your spelling has improved drastically, but fairy is spelled f-a-i-r-y not f-a-r-i-y. Write a less...umm... angry post and I'll let so and so know about it." hmmm busted. Actually this would only be a problem if my mom wasn't freaking awesome and cared about shit like that. It has effected my last few blogs. Little more hesitant to write about how f-ed up people are when you know your mother is going to be reading all those four letter words and mean remarks about how stupid your roommates can be. Love ya ma!
I got the, 'you know anybody can read what you post online' lecture and got reminded potential employers can read my blog. Honestly I hope a potential employer does read my blog and hires me. Yes anyone can read my blog, there isn't a password on it, and yes some of the things I say can be a little...rough?. If what I say gets anyone upset just remember I mean it all in great sincerity and honesty. If it hurts your feelings you probably need new ones anyways. I'm not writing the family's Christmas letter or a formal letter of business. It's a freaking blog.
I know kids need to be exposed to other people. They're like dogs that way. When they are little you need to get them out in public so they aren't afraid of people. Maybe it's just my possessive side coming out. Yeah if I had a kid I wouldn't tell people to step off. That's just a bad example for them, but you can be I'd be thinking it every time a old woman tried pinching my child's cheeks or started talking baby talk to my little one.
A woman with porcelain skin sits alone in her apartment. She is in her mid to late twenties. Her hair is cut just above shoulder length and the brown shine reflects the light coming from her floor lamp in a magnificently mundane manner. She's dressed in a simple floral dress that flatters her small frame but isn't quite filled out in the chest. Quietly sitting with her hands in her lap, she adjusts slightly and the plastic covered couch makes an almost silent squeak. The couch is a mint green and would be seen as outdated outside the walls of the apartment but is right at home where it rests. The wall behind her is dimly lit but bare. Painted green some might describe it as mint green. This green is different than the couch however, as though the walls were painted and faced with the impossibility of finding a matching couch she settled for her current one. She sits there waiting, not turning as a passing car slowly illuminates each part of the room separately as it passes outside her covered window. Dressed for the night she waits. Not waiting for anyone or thing in particular; simply waiting.
Weird huh? Maybe I should get some sleep...
I'm so glad I'm a man. Messy, gross and ugh. I'm sorry but child birth is not a magical, wonderful moment. Maybe the pregnancy is wonderful and all but the final act...no not at all.
You travel in packs, roaming the malls and local public areas. With no regard to those around your gang walks side by side clearing any walkway. Why must you try so hard to be cool? Everyone has their iphone out, talking as loud as possible to their newest b.f.f. or b.f.f.e.a.e. Dude you shouldn't go through an Axe can every other day. Showering is a necessity now, do so daily. Ladies, perfume is not a pheromone, your presence doesn't need to be sensed a mile down the road. Please stop invading my coffee shops. I know it's the cool place to meet up, but unless your buying a cup of joe just go to the park. If there is more than four of you, just go somewhere else. Your too freaking loud. No a double chocolate chip thingy with whipped cream and syrup on the top doesn't qualify as drinking coffee, its a milkshake at best. I don't know you, I don't want to know you. The day I graduated from high school was the day I became better than you in every single way, or at least earned the right to act like I am.
Yes, some of you are rather cool and not a pain like your brethren. Hang in there. The jocks and blonds will still be there in college, but at least there everyone will know they are complete idiots, including your professors. They'll form these groups calls fraternities and sororities so they don't feel so out of place when the rest of their class grows out of the high school clicks and overall idiocy that prevails in H.S.
A few pages after she sits down someone she knows comes into the shop. "Your pregnant!" Obviously they don't see each other that often since my table mate now looks like she ate an entire watermelon in one bite. They start talking and I soon lose all interest in what my book says.
I don't like this new girl. She broke the silence at our table and is talking incredibly too loud. I'm within arms length of the two and am busy trying to pretend to read. I listen to bits and pieces of their conversation, missing parts when I start trying to guess how long it would take me to normally read the page I'm on if I were actually reading. I can't let them know I'm spying on their conversation and feel it necessary to turn the page every once in awhile. I can go back and "reread" those pages.
This new girl is all about her. What she's been up to and how she spent last night.
I went out with these people I just met. Totally not the sort of people I would chose to be friends with. All they could talk about is other people and sex. [My ears perk up.] I mean when my friends and I get drunk we get into conversations about religion and gun control. We have great epic conversations that would rival those Aristotle would of had. [I'm sure she was thinking that even if she didn't say it out loud] All they could talk about was gossip. As soon as two of them left, the others started talking about them. 'oh I can't stand them. did you know what he did last weekend?' I just felt dirty when I finally left...This girl goes on like this for a good ten minutes. I'm thinking that she's just a stuck up, 'I'm a smart college kid who is soooooo above these people' kind of person. Yeah, I judge people like that.
I soon lose interest in their conversation, they say their goodbyes, and my table mate leaves. I'm engrossed in my book, really this time, until snobby chick starts talking on her phone, once again in a louder than needed voice.
I'm just here studying...probably be here till around ten...ran into one of my friends, we used to be best friends. She's pregnant now and didn't even tell me. Yeah she always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I guess she's gunna do the whole single mom thing now. I can't believe she's pregnant...I went out with them last night, their just not the sort of people I would choose to hang out with...Don't you just hate those people that can't talk about anything more than other people and can't wait for them to leave the room for more than a minute before they start talking about them?
So this is why I'm so upset. The GBLT (that's an acronym that means all the different people Evangelicals like to hate and tell they're going to burn) community, all across the country, allowed this to happen. For years gays have sat on their hands waiting patiently for someone to help them out. They haven't gotten mad at the slow decay of their rights. Sure a kid gets beat up or killed, but what you gunna do? That's the world we live in. Where are the laws protecting you from discrimination in the work place? nope not yet. Maybe one day...sigh...
Where are the angry gays who have had enough? You know what? No, it's not ok to use "gay" in exchange for saying something is stupid or dumb. Unless it likes to have sex with things its own gender don't call it gay. No, it's not ok to be referred to as someone's "gay friend". You're not a pet or novelty to be cherished like a shinny toy. "oh don't worry Tim doesn't act gay, he's cool" wtf does that mean?!? Act gay? You mean he doesn't carry a purse or wear a dress? That has nothing to do with being gay, that has to do with acting like a woman. Stop using sexual orientation as a character trait. It's not! Maybe when homos stop allowing others to treat them different or like some separate group, people will stop seeing them in a certain light. Stand up for yourself. "They don't mean anything by it" is no longer an excuse. They're supporting a bigoted f-ed up way of thinking.
If your not upset by the current situation you deserve the situation your going to find the country in a few years. I'm pissed and honestly I think more people should be. I don't care if your gay, bi, straight, or somewhere in the middle (or on your own separate path), take a close look at how your acting and the behavior you allow to take place around you. Grow some balls, my lesbian friends included, and start speaking up for yourself, your friends, and your family. Oh and if your thinking, "That's not me. I have plenty of gay friends" wrong. your part of the problem as well. For god's sake people wake up, stop accepting the sub-par conditions and demand a change. Not somewhere down the road, when people are more accepting, but now. People are being attacked, ideologically and physically, and it's not ok.
You want to have a conversation? Say something? Be my guest. Comment button is right down there. You can email me as well.
Getting older however changes you. I've become more guarded and cynical when it comes to people. I still want to think the best of people and trust them, it's just hard to do once they hurt you. Holding hate in your heart and not forgiving is truely unhealthy. That's not my problem. I forgave long ago. Trust is totally different however.
I was deeply hurt this summer. Without going into detail, I was wronged by someone, they screwed up big time. This time I can truly say I did nothing wrong. I thought it was a done deal. Never see or talk to the person again. Get over any feelings for them and move on. Time heals all wounds. Now they went and apologized and want to rebuild some kind of relationship. I use "relationship" to describe any kind of friendly connection. Messed up my plans for sure. I have no idea what to do. Forgive, forget, let them back in my life. Just close the door and keep things as they were. Despite my best efforts, feelings still lay underneath my armor. They would go away though in time. Right now there isn't many options. Distance and priorities. The question however is what to do with feelings.
I wish I could return to how I was as a kid. I trusted people with such ease. You said your sorry and I said "ok". No questions asked. What happened to me that stole that part away. Maybe through some effort I can get back to that place. I want to sit on that bench again, as a boy turning into a man, and be able to once again say, "that's just what you do".
Sprint PCS Mail
I know you ladies may feel very differently about this. You girls go in groups and turn the act into a social event. Sometimes it seems right up there with tea parties and showers. "We really don't see enough of each other Sandy. Why don't we meet up at the bathroom on the third floor? Five o'clock good for you? All right it's a date." I know for a fact that some ladies rooms have couches and complete sitting areas. Yes I've seen them... I've come to accept that no women can go to the powder room alone. At least three must enter together. Women have taken the buddy system to a level men will never achieve. Just do everyone a favor and leave the cell phones in the bags.
So here's the proposal, to both sexes. Leave the cell phone talk out of the bathrooms. It makes for an uncomfortable situation for those around you and is kind of creepy. I assure you, if the person your talking to knew where you were they would agree with me completely. Oh and don't forget to wash your hands...WITH SOAP!
Ok. I'm all done. You can stop making that gagging face. I promise no more sentimental stuff. Next post will be full of baby punching humor or something along those lines.
Now some might say this is a horrible thing to have, on the contrary, I love it. First, I tend to keep a rather good reputation, so no problem there. I like to believe somewhere in SA a conversation goes something like this: "You know Austin? Yeah met him at the party last night, you know him too? Oh yeah he's awesome, great guy." See, The San Antonio Circle does wonders for your social life. Second, our little circle makes it rather easy to do your homework. Meet a new person, no need for Facebook or Myspace, just ask a few friends, you'll get the whole story on them. "OMG dude run as fast as you can. They're a total loser."
Recently I had someone come and go through my life. At first I was a little upset over the whole ordeal. Did some talking though, with trusted friends, apparently not that big of a loss. Probably more like a blessing. This wonderful turn of events all thanks to The San Antonio Circle. Yes, The San Antonio Circle, bringing strangers together since 1980. This city might not be freaking awesome, but when viewed in the right light and taken advantage of properly its got some nice perks.
I was driving to work, stopped at a stoplight, spying in on the people beside me. It was a Dad and his little kid. The kid was locked into his car seat in the back seat, crying his eyes out. All of a sudden the Dad turns around and makes this horrible, funny? face. Instantly the kid cheers up. He does it a few more times, before the light changes. Big deal right? It got my thinking however. That's Love. This guy is making a fool out of himself, just to make his kid happy. He's not getting anything out of it. He wasn't irritated by the crying or trying to make the boy shut up. It was an act purely for making the little one happy. I pulled past them, when the light changed, smiling to myself. Now that's Love.
It's not this immature, "I have to see you or I'll die" crap, or "I love you I love you I love you" B.S. Love is the desire to make someone happy, just to make them happy. I want someone that will make a fool of themselves when I have a bad day. I want someone to make smile in the car. I'm in no hurry. It will come, haven't found that yet though. Till then I'll wait patiently. Thanks dude in car that I laughed at. Your awesome.
I'm a little hesitant to share this with everyone on the web but.... I have a little creepy past time, or surfing habit. Like a lot of people, I do the whole stumble thing. Its a fun way of finding new sites, new photos, all sorts of things. If you don't know what I'm talking about Google that shit. Well I found a new way to stumble, without the Stumble part. After I post here, I go to my blog, make sure it looks right (I very seldom proof read), then I go up to the top and hit next. Go ahead try it. Yup, it brings you to some random person's personal blog. Weird feature to have ain't it? It's like walking into some unknown guys house and looking through his mail, scrapbooks, and photo albums. I'm amazed at some of the stuff people post on here. Anything from family photos, wedding pictures, creepy love poems, to a photo of a kid on the pot. Do they not realize anyone can get to their blog. Maybe they're like me and just don't care. If that's the case, kudos to them. But some of the sites you got to wonder... The best blogs though, have to be the blogs from other countries. Half the time I don't have a clue what their saying, but the pics are great. I dare you to try it. Give the next button a few clicks and see what comes up. No one will know...as long as you don't post it on your blog that is. Just be warned, there is some scary shit out there.
Come to think of it, this seems to be a common thing among those who ride motorcycles. You always see a bike parked next to the handicapped places or on that little oval of pavement at the end of the row of cars. No each place between the stripes is not a separate parking spot for bikes. Maybe it's just a personality thing. They have that extra daring gene in them that makes them want to ride a engine on two wheels and along with that gene comes the "i don't give a f--- about no stinking lines" attitude. What if someone in a wheelchair needed that space to get out of their car? Or maybe they needed to get up the ramp you so conveniently blocked? Go park your bike like the rest of us, in a parking spot. Have some courtesy and think about others for a change.
Oh and by the way, the guy, so not worth the extra time away from my book. I always get my hopes up just to be let down.
Oh and if your going to be standing in line, don't smoke a cigar for at least 10min before hand. I don't want to smell ya.
Thought I would share part of my newest poster. Just finished a painting as well but need a better pic of that to post.
Edit 7/20:
Think real big. BIG!! Well maybe just Big!
Hellllooooo? I'm a caaaarrrr. Gas-o-line makes me run. Back seat. Trunk space. Hellllloooo? Lets go for a riiiide. Oil. is. my. blood.
Just thought I'd share.
And finally this is not some foreign market. Don't haggle with me trying to get me to knock a few dollars off the price. Don't expect the whole store to be marked down, if there isn't a sign posted it's not on sale. No, we don't have some secret sale that goes unadvertised and that we only extend to those who ask. "Oh as a matter of fact Ma'am your right. Those bags are on sale, we just don't want anyone to know. shhhh" "yes like the sign says thats 50% off. How much is that? Half. Really you can't divide by 2? Well I guess that means you have to pay the full price doesn't it?"
I've been to places that reminded me of paradise, places that scared the shit out of me, places that stunned me with their beauty, and places that I never want to visit again.
I've traveled with a few friends, made some along the way and got separated from a few as well. I have met people I hope to never forget and a few I wish I could, but all have left me something.
I've been robbed blind, beaten up, left behind, and given treasures beyond imagination.
I've gotten lost, confused and turned around a few times. At moments I thought I knew exactly were I was but ended up in a completely different town. I've even taken a few unexpected detours on paths that seemed untraveled (those are the best kind of side roads, the unexpected ones).
Sometimes I ran to my next stop, other times sat and rested. I eagerly anticipated sights to come and wished to not take another step.
My back has been weighted down and at other moments I've been lifted up by the winds. The ran has soaked me to the bone, and the sun warmed my neck.
In the last few months I've seen a world of places and taken in a number of experiences. I've wrestled with where to go next and plotted out possible routes. It has been an interesting journey to where I am now. Not really sure I'm ready to take the next step, but the only possible direction to go is forward, standing still gets me nowhere and turning back...well thats just impossible.
And yes I know this post is not a rant or full of sarcasm and cynicism. Sometimes a little introspective reflection is necessary and good for you. Maybe you got some problems your not seeing, lets try to better this place we live and ourselves.
"What about Goblins, huh? Doesn't anybody believe in Goblins? You never hear about this.. Except on Halloween and then it's all negative shit. And what about Zombies? You never hear from Zombies! That's the trouble with Zombies, they're unreliable! I say if you're going to go for the Angel bullshit you might as well go for the Zombie package as well.." George Carlin, from "You Are All Diseased"
Powered by Jott
p.s. To continue my attack on smokers...cigarette butts are litter. Stop throwing them out your window! They can take up to 11 years to degrade.
*This could make some people upset. If it upsets you maybe you should take a step back and see if this really applies to you or not*
Dear "Seasoned Students",
      Props to you for going back to school. You have so much more to worry about than us young whipper snappers. You juggle work, kids, school, and real life all at once. You have overcome stereotypes and fears to return to school and better yourself and your situation. You Go! With that said I have a request. Stop talking about yourself and your wonderful kids in class. I don’t care that your kid is a genius sports star that can speak three different languages at the age of 2. I get your proud of him or her. What parent wouldn’t be proud of giving birth to the second coming. "Really the economy is in a recession? Well little Jimmy can walk on water." wtf?
      And don’t think you kid-less old farts are off the hook. We all see you trying to get buddy buddy with the professor. Just because you sit at the front of the class and were born within the same decade as them doesn’t mean your their friend. Do you not notice how they roll their eyes every time you raise your hand to make some stupid remark about when you were a kid, or how your life experience has brought you to such and such conclusion? Just so you know. Every time you start a story with the words "my kid" or "it used to be" all those punk kids behind you are thinking "here we go again". We don’t care that your husband is a doctor and owns his own practice and worked his way up from dishwasher, or that gas prices were 10 cents a gallon when you got your first car, that didn’t have power locks or air conditioning or seatbelt and that you had to crank to start. Has your life become solely about your kids and what life used to be. Thats hard to believe. You work, have friends, watch tv.
      Here’s a general rule for you "seasoned students". When you walk into a class pay attention to the size of the room and number of students there. The importance of your comment, story, or personal experience is inversely related to the size of the class. The more of us that have to listen to you talk the less we care to hear it. If there are only a few of us with ya, be my guest and speak up. Those types of classes actually are designed for you to tell us how little Kris "spelled with a K" reacted to his first day of daycare.
The Kid Who You Know So Much
More Than But Is In The
Same Class As You
Now I get the whole don’t talk to strangers deal. There are bad people out there and kids need to be careful but.... do I really look that threatening? If the dad was worried about his kid maybe he should be paying closer attention to him and not let him run around like he was. Also on a totally different level what are parents really teaching kids with this whole "strangers are bad" deal. Yea there are bad people out there but do you really want your kids scared of the people they have to live with? Maybe a healthy respect is a better approach. Not a "fear the unknown" philosophy. Oh and to that dad, who was soooo worried about his kid. Your kid sat at my table for a good 10min, out of your sight, before you even noticed. I could of easily ran off with him.
I reserve my applause for people who deserve them. Come on people, you clap for people who do things that require skill and effort. It's an easy way to say, "good job" "well done." Don't applaud for the dumb guy who quit smoking. Some of you are thinking "hey I quit smoking, it's really hard to do and takes commitment." Your absolutely right, it takes commitment to stop killing yourself and messing up your future. It takes commitment to stop doing something incredibly stupid that you decided to do in the first place. Know what? Good job at no longer being a dumb ass and quiting something you knew you shouldn't be doing in the first place. Yea good job *clap clap* Don't clap for recovering drug addicts, yea thats what you are smokers, drug addicts. They started the habit, they knew what they were doing, its their own fault they were addicted. Its simply retarded to clap for that.
Here's an idea for all you drivers out there. Spread some made up holiday spirit. Let that car get in front of you, merge the proper way, oh and that one last spot in the parking lot, let the old lady have it. You probably could use the extra few steps...that over sized holiday sweater ain't fooling anyone.
Lets all be a little nicer to one another this time of year. After all in only a few more days we will be celebrating the day baby Jesus came down from the heavens in his metallic UFO, bringing with him Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, and was named king of the overpriced, poorly made electronics Christmas is all about. You follow that? Good because I didn't.
What am I doing? Most of the time I'm ok and function rather well. I can keep going through the day not showing too much emotion. Its so much easier not to feel. But then there's days like today when I can't stop mulling all this crap over in my head. Am I doing the right thing? What if this was my chance? Again the question of the day seems to be; "When did life get so complicated?" I wish there was a pause button somewhere. I don't regret anything but the foundation seems to be tumbling down from underneath me.