Those Sort of People

I love going to the coffee shop. Not so much for the coffee, I can make that at home for so much less, but rather for the people that seem to like going to the coffee shop. Sitting there with my ungodly hot cafe mocha a girl about my age and three months pregnant asks if she can share my table. I'm sitting at a table with really comfy chairs (so you know it's not Starbucks) and she wanted to sit in one, her having this thing grow in her and all. So she's sitting a few feet away from me, much closer than any stranger usually sits in this type of setting. I feel we really had a bond going. Each sitting in our comfy chairs reading our books in silence.

A few pages after she sits down someone she knows comes into the shop. "Your pregnant!" Obviously they don't see each other that often since my table mate now looks like she ate an entire watermelon in one bite. They start talking and I soon lose all interest in what my book says.

I don't like this new girl. She broke the silence at our table and is talking incredibly too loud. I'm within arms length of the two and am busy trying to pretend to read. I listen to bits and pieces of their conversation, missing parts when I start trying to guess how long it would take me to normally read the page I'm on if I were actually reading. I can't let them know I'm spying on their conversation and feel it necessary to turn the page every once in awhile. I can go back and "reread" those pages.

This new girl is all about her. What she's been up to and how she spent last night.
I went out with these people I just met. Totally not the sort of people I would chose to be friends with. All they could talk about is other people and sex. [My ears perk up.] I mean when my friends and I get drunk we get into conversations about religion and gun control. We have great epic conversations that would rival those Aristotle would of had. [I'm sure she was thinking that even if she didn't say it out loud] All they could talk about was gossip. As soon as two of them left, the others started talking about them. 'oh I can't stand them. did you know what he did last weekend?' I just felt dirty when I finally left...
This girl goes on like this for a good ten minutes. I'm thinking that she's just a stuck up, 'I'm a smart college kid who is soooooo above these people' kind of person. Yeah, I judge people like that.

I soon lose interest in their conversation, they say their goodbyes, and my table mate leaves. I'm engrossed in my book, really this time, until snobby chick starts talking on her phone, once again in a louder than needed voice.
I'm just here studying...probably be here till around ten...ran into one of my friends, we used to be best friends. She's pregnant now and didn't even tell me. Yeah she always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I guess she's gunna do the whole single mom thing now. I can't believe she's pregnant...I went out with them last night, their just not the sort of people I would choose to hang out with...
Don't you just hate those people that can't talk about anything more than other people and can't wait for them to leave the room for more than a minute before they start talking about them?