Three Degrees

Oh how I love San Antonio. I kid, I kid. But one great thing about this town is the little circle of people that exists. We've all heard the six degrees theory. Everyone in the world can be connected to everyone else by no more than six degrees. Well in San Antonio, we cut that down to three. It seems to be impossible to find a new friend that has been untouched by at least one of your old friends in some way. I realize this might not seem like a big deal in some small college town, or if you were only dealing with students, but in a city this large and with the diversity of friends I have it's kind of freaky.

Now some might say this is a horrible thing to have, on the contrary, I love it. First, I tend to keep a rather good reputation, so no problem there. I like to believe somewhere in SA a conversation goes something like this: "You know Austin? Yeah met him at the party last night, you know him too? Oh yeah he's awesome, great guy." See, The San Antonio Circle does wonders for your social life. Second, our little circle makes it rather easy to do your homework. Meet a new person, no need for Facebook or Myspace, just ask a few friends, you'll get the whole story on them. "OMG dude run as fast as you can. They're a total loser."

Recently I had someone come and go through my life. At first I was a little upset over the whole ordeal. Did some talking though, with trusted friends, apparently not that big of a loss. Probably more like a blessing. This wonderful turn of events all thanks to The San Antonio Circle. Yes, The San Antonio Circle, bringing strangers together since 1980. This city might not be freaking awesome, but when viewed in the right light and taken advantage of properly its got some nice perks.