
I was sitting outside of Starbucks, doing the usual on my days off, reading and watching people, when a guy drove up on a motorcycle. If your anything like me, every time you see someone on a motorcycle, built for speed (cruising bikes just aren't the same), you give them a second look. So I'm sitting there waiting for him to take the helmet off when I realize where he parked his bike. Apparently the striped spot between handicapped spaces is not meant as a space for those who need a little extra room when getting in and out of their cars. Nooooo it's so this ass doesn't have to walk like the rest of us.

Come to think of it, this seems to be a common thing among those who ride motorcycles. You always see a bike parked next to the handicapped places or on that little oval of pavement at the end of the row of cars. No each place between the stripes is not a separate parking spot for bikes. Maybe it's just a personality thing. They have that extra daring gene in them that makes them want to ride a engine on two wheels and along with that gene comes the "i don't give a f--- about no stinking lines" attitude. What if someone in a wheelchair needed that space to get out of their car? Or maybe they needed to get up the ramp you so conveniently blocked? Go park your bike like the rest of us, in a parking spot. Have some courtesy and think about others for a change.

Oh and by the way, the guy, so not worth the extra time away from my book. I always get my hopes up just to be let down.