We Were Going to Do What....?

You know what pisses me off to no end, more than pushy mothers and bad drivers combined? Flakes. Not the kind that you see in the kid's hair in front of you and that make you want to suggest a new shampoo. No, I'm talking about those people that can't keep a calender or simply don't care. "Want to hang out tomorrow, have lunch or something?" "Sure just give me a ring" Next day. "So where we going for lunch?" "Huh? Oh sorry I'm busy" or better yet, "ring ring ring... you've reached the mailbox of..." Yeah that last one kills me. They can't even be bothered to call or pick up the phone to say they can't come or do whatever. "oh he'll figure it out when I'm not there a few hours after we were supposed to meet up." If it's a memory thing start writing things down, set an alarm, get a personal secretary to follow you around. Maybe it's my fault. Every time I make plans with these people and they fail to hold up their end, you know the part where they actually show up, I'm surprised. Crazy I know. Repeat same actions, expect different results... But there I am again, waiting for someone I know ain't going to show. I've thought about double booking my time. That way I won't have wasted days when people decided to bail on me. Problem is then I'll be one of those people who flake when those who shall not be named actually do show up.