Interesting Night

That was an interesting night. Went to a friend's birthday part at his house. Now keep in mind, he plays for the same team as I do and most of the people there do as well. Everyone is getting along, having a good time, being a little too loud for the neighbor's liking. So one of the four straight boys there gets asked if he likes the boys or girls. It's a common question with my friends since we mix pretty well and often.

The dude gets offended and for the next hour goes down the "I'm straight and better than you queers" road. Keeps saying how "you guys" are this and that. I have enough and the rest of us are like WTF? We get it. I tell him to chill and just have fun. Nobody cares one way or the other and nobody is coming on to him.

Apparently this is too much for him to handle. "I'll kill you like Mathew Sheaperd." Dead silence. Now if you don't know this, that's no laughing matter. The whole getting killed thing. Basically the whole night falls apart from that point on.

FYI stuff like that isn't funny. It's not ok. It doesn't establish that your straight just that your a prick ass. We don't care who you like or don't like. When in mixed company expect some questions. And just because you don't like the other sex doesn't mean you can't stand up for yourself or deal with guys who are too macho for their own good.