San Francisco

Been back about a week or so and want to go back. Nay, I want to move. It was so lovely, big, and busy. I fell in love with the city. I belong in a big city with lots of strangers and crowds.

Lets see. Saw the Golden Gate, Wharf, lots of seals, crazy homeless people who throw beer bottles, street cars (first time on one), scary drag queens, awesome parks, beautiful churches, subway cars (another first), and lots and lots of hills (what Texans call mountains).

I think this was the only vacation that I actually lost weight. We probably walked an average of seven miles a day. The majority of these were wondering around lost. You would think going to a city with someone that has actually lived there before means not getting totally turned around. Well that would require your traveling partner having some sense of direction. After a certain point I just stopped asking him where we were going. I wouldn't of picked another person however to end up in the public housing projects with. "Lets just get a taxi" "Well we could if they weren't afraid to drive down this road. Maybe we should start running."

The Castro provided an endless amount of ummm interesting? people. Something to keep in mind, no matter what kind of facial expression she has on or how hopeless she looks, don't tell a drag queen that she "looks confused". I don't care how you mean it, I promise she won't be pleased. Also Market Street on Halloween, not a family friendly location. Yes, there are bright festive colors everywhere and the gay laughter is a little misleading. But kid appropriate it is not. "That's not a costume, he's just naked."

I didn't take nearly as many photos as I had hoped. Just got busy and didn't carry much around with me. Had a blast though and came away with a lot of stories. I want to move.