I've been saying the whole project/movement is misguided, for awhile now. I don't agree with the idea that it is a total fail but agree with his argument. When kids are dying, something needs to be done. "It Gets Better" is a temporary bandage but not a solution. As Weems puts it, when the house is on fire you don't tell the kids inside that it will get better, just sit and wait.
"Your Child is a Killer" seems more effective to me. The problem isn't the queer kids. The problem is the students, parents, facility, and society that allows bullying to continue and treats a portion of the population as less than the rest. Queer youths are killing themselves because they feel helpless and ashamed. Those feelings do not come from within the kids, they are products of being targeted and isolated. These suicides are the bullies' fault. They are the parents' fault. They are the result of a community that tries to fix the effects of a problem but not the cause.
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