Let's Make A Deal

There's this one Starbucks in town that I go to and read every once in
awhile. It has all the usual things Starbucks has; coffee, soft
chairs, people who talk about personal topics way too loud, students.
They even warm up my slice of bread without me asking. For all those
reasons I love this Starbucks. The one complaint about this location?
Something about its geographical location attracts the "mover shaker"
type. Those guys that always have an angle to play. "I'm always
looking for a new business to invest in." "If you know anybody that
would be interested in my newest greatest way of becoming rich." It
never fails, I always seem to be sitting next to the next big thing in
the business world.

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Me-"You look lost."
Girl-"Yeah. I'm up here to take a test. You know where that would be?"
Me-"What department?"
Girl-"What do you mean?"
Me-"What class is it for?"
Me-"Right here. Political Science office."

Really? You don't know what department politics falls under? Poor girl
needs to study more.

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I find myself feeling great distaste for people lately. Now I've always felt a little dissatisfied with other people but these last few weeks its been on the fore front of my mind. I'll be sitting in a restaurant, like tonight, and look around me and just feel let down and scared at the same time. People are sitting with their families or loved one, driving their min-van, content with their average lives. There's nothing wrong with average, and if they are happy so be it, but I get this overwhelming fear of becoming one of them. Content with my square house, doing a mundane job so that I can pay for all these things I'm told I want. It all just seems pointless and without purpose. What mark is being left by these sorts of lives? What impact are they having? I know this all sounds elitist and stuck up. I'm well aware of that. I'm just afraid I'll be too easily satisfied in life and not strive for something more than happiness. Being happy in one's life just doesn't seem to be enough anymore. I'm happy with my life, but should that be the goal?