It's back to school time here. Back to reading stupid books and stupid
people. Most importantly, back to dealing with kids my age that are
way into themselves or think they are so damn special and unique. I've
only been to class a few times so far, only have class two days a
week, but am already over one of my 75 minute classes. It's an
anthropology class and as every college student knows, the anthro kids
are a little different. They seem to internalize the whole primitive
thing; going days wihout a bath or growing they're dredlocks out past
they're ass. Maybe they are just practicing for later field work.
Either way I left class feeling dirty and icky. I'm sure people
mistook me for "one of them" for the rest of the day. Sitting through
that class is like mixing art school with a third world refugee camp.
Luckily it's at the end of the day and I can rush home to disinfect
and delouse myself.
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